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to judge by

  • 81 judge

    اِرْتَأَى \ judge: to examine facts about (sb. or sth.) and come to a decision; consider (in court, in a competition, etc.): He judged the man (to be) guilty. They judged him (to be) the winner. I was invited to judge the cattle at the show. \ See Also قضى (قَضَى)، قرر (قَرّر)‏ \ قاضٍ \ judge: one who settles questions (and tries those who are charged) in a court of law. \ ناقِد \ judge: sb. who gives an opinion on the value of sth.: He’s a good judge of character (when he meets people, he forms correct opinion of their character).

    Arabic-English glossary > judge

  • 82 judge

    1. сущ.
    юр. судья
    2. гл.
    1) общ. делать выводы, считать, решать

    He judged it was time to call an end to the discussions. — Он решил, что пора завершить обсуждения.

    2) юр. выносить приговор [решение\]

    * * *
    судья, арбитр, эксперт, третейский судья, ценитель.

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > judge

  • 83 judge

    1. n
    1) судья, арбитр

    field judgeспорт. судья на поле

    2) ценительница), знаток, эксперт
    2. v

    to judge a contest — оценивать конкурс, судить соревнования

    2) полагать, считать, рассматривать, решать

    2000 самых употребительных английских слов > judge

  • 84 judge

    [xhaxh] n.,v. -n 1. gjykatës. 2. gjyqtar, arbiter. 3. vlerësues, njohës; he's no judge of character ai nuk di t'i njohë njerëzit; I'm no judge of wines nuk jam njohës i verërave /-v 1. gjykoj. 2. vlerësoj; I judge it to be right unë e gjykoj të drejtë, e quaj me vend; as far as I can judge me sa e gjykoj unë, për mendimin tim
    judg(e)ment ['xhaxhmënt] n 1. gjykim. 2. vendim gjyqi; pass judgement (on) jap një vendim. 3. vlerësim, mendim; in my judgement për mendimin tim; against my better judgement kundër bindjes sime, duke e ditur mirë që e kisha gabim. 4. kritikë, dënim (i diçkaje). 5. fet. dënim, ndëshkim perëndie
    judgemental [xhaxh'mentël] adj. i gjykimit
    judicatory ['xhu:dëkëtori] adj.,n. -adj. gjykimor; gjyqësor /-n 1. gjykim, dhënie drejtësie. 2. gjyq
    judicature ['xhu:dëkëçë:, 'xhu:dëkëçuë:] n 1. dhënie drejtësie. 2. juridiksion; kompetencë. 3. trup gjykues. 4. gjyq
    judicial [xhu:'dishël] adj 1. gjyqësor, i gjyqit. 2. i paanshëm; a judicial mind një mendje e paanshme, person i paanshëm. 3. kritik
    judiciary [xhu'dishieri] n., adj. -n 1. drejtësi, organe të drejtësisë. 2. gjykatësit /- adj. gjyqësor
    judicious [xhu:'dishës] adj. i matur, i mençur, i urtë, me mend; a judicious historian një historian i matur
    * * *
    gjykatës; gjykoj

    English-Albanian dictionary > judge

  • 85 judge

    n. 1. шүүгч. a Нigh Court \judge Дээд Шүүхийн шүүгч. 2. уралдаан, тэмцээний шүүгч. 3. үнэлэгч, бишрэгч, шинжээч. a good \judge of art урлагийг дээдэлдэг хүн. v. 1. \judge (sb/ sth) by/ from/ on sth шүүх, дүгнэлт гаргахад. 2. шинжих, шүүмжлэх. Who are you to \judge other people? Та бусдыг шүүмжилдэг хэн гээч нь вэ? 3. буруутай эсэхийг шүүх. 4. уралдаан тэмцээн шүүх.

    English-Mongolian dictionary > judge

  • 86 judge

    1) судья || судить, выносить приговор
    2) арбитр; эксперт || быть экспертом

    Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > judge

  • 87 judge

    1. निर्णायक
    The children themselves acted as the judges for these competitions.
    2. न्यायाधीश
    My uncle is a high court judge.
    3. पारखी
    He is a good judge of art.
    1. निर्णय\judgeलेना
    You cannot judge a man by his face.

    English-Hindi dictionary > judge

  • 88 judge-advocate

    1. военен прокурор
    2. военносъдебен съветник
    JUDGE-ADVOCATE general началник на военносъдебната част
    * * *
    {,j^j'advъkit} n 1. военен прокурор; 2. военносъ
    * * *
    1. judge-advocate general началник на военносъдебната част 2. военен прокурор 3. военносъдебен съветник
    * * *
    judge-advocate[´dʒʌdʒ´ædvəkit] n 1. военно-съдебен съветник; J.-A. General (pl J.-A. Generals) председател на военен касационен съд; J. A.-General' s Department Централен отдел за съдии-адвокати; 2. ам. военен прокурор.

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > judge-advocate

  • 89 judge

    1. n
    1) суддя
    2) арбітр, експерт; третейський суддя

    judge at the curveспорт. суддя на повороті

    judge at the finishспорт. суддя на фініші

    judge of the courseспорт. суддя на дистанції

    3) pl спорт. суддівська колегія на змаганнях
    4) знавець, цінитель
    5) pl (Judges) бібл. Книга Суддів

    J. Advocate General — головний військовий прокурор

    2. v
    1) судити; ухвалювати вирок (рішення)
    2) бути арбітром (експертом)
    3) оцінювати; складати думку; вважати, гадати
    4) приходити до висновку, робити висновок
    5) осуджувати, гудити, ганити
    * * *
    I n
    2) арбітр, експерт; третейський суддя; pl; cпopт. рефері peл. суддя
    3) цінитель, знавець
    4) гipн. лінійка для вимірювання обсягу робіт
    5) pl; peл. ( Judges) Книга Суддів
    II v
    1) судити, виносити вирок, рішення
    2) бути арбітром, експертом; оцінювати
    3) вважати, думати; робити висновок
    4) засуджувати, гудити

    English-Ukrainian dictionary > judge

  • 90 Judge

    One who tries a case: P. and V. κριτής, ὁ, δικαστής, ὁ.
    Arbitrator, subs.: P. διαιτητής, ὁ, μέσος δικαστής, ὁ, ἐπιγνώμων, ὁ, βραβευτής, ὁ, P. and V. βραβεύς, ὁ (Plat.), διαλλακτής, ὁ, V. διαλλακτήρ, ὁ.
    Umpire (in a race, etc.): P. and V. βραβεύς, ὁ (Plat.).
    A good judge of: use P. and V. γνώμων, ὁ (gen.), or use adj., P. and V. ἔμπειρος (gen.), ἐπιστήμων (gen.).
    v. trans.
    Try in court: P. and V. κρνειν (acc. of person or thing), δικάζειν (acc. of thing, dat. of person).
    Decide: P. and V. κρνειν, διαιρεῖν, γιγνώσκειν, διαγιγνώσκειν, Ar. and P. διακρνειν, V. διειδέναι.
    Form an opinion: P. and V. κρνειν, δοξάζειν.
    Judge of: P. and V. τεκμαίρεσθαι (acc.).
    Judge by: P. and V. τεκμαίρεσθαι (dat.).

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Judge

  • 91 judge

    قَرَّرَ \ affirm: to declare that sth. is true: He affirmed that his friend had not left the house at the time of the murder. choose, (chose, chosen): to decide: I chose to stay at home rather than to travel. decide: to determine; make up one’s mind: I’ve decided to get a new car. determine: to decide; be the cause of; control: We must determine the rights and wrongs of the case. The weather determines the size of the crop. fix: to settle; decide: Have you fixed the time and place of your meeting?. judge: to examine facts about (sb. or sth.) and come to a decision; to consider (in court, in a competition, etc.): He judged the man (to be) guilty. They judged him (to be) the winner. I was invited to judge the cattle at the show. lay down: to fix (a rule): The price of oil is laid down by the government. make up one’s mind: to decide after much thought: He made up his mind to tell them everything. resolve: to decide after careful thought. rule: give an official decision: The judge ruled that the prisoner was wrongly charged. \ See Also أكد (أَكَّدَ)، عزم (عَزَمَ)، حَدَّدَ، حكم (حَكَمَ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > judge

  • 92 judge

    /'dʤʌdʤ/ * danh từ - quan toà, thẩm phán - người phân xử, trọng tài - người am hiểu, người sành sỏi =a judge of art+ người am hiểu nghệ thuật * ngoại động từ - xét xử, phân xử (một vụ kiện, một người có tội...) - xét, xét đoán, phán đoán, đánh giá =do not judge people by appearance+ đừng xét người theo bề ngoài - xét thấy, cho rằng, thấy rằng =if you judge it to be necessary+ nếu anh xét thấy cái đó là cần thiết - (từ cổ,nghĩa cổ) phê bình, chỉ trích * nội động từ - làm quan toà - làm người phân xử, làm trọng tài - xét, xét xử, xét đoán

    English-Vietnamese dictionary > judge

  • 93 judge

    1) судья

    2) составлять суждение
    3) судить
    if we judge
    judge by

    Англо-русский технический словарь > judge

  • 94 judge advocate

    n (MIL)
    Beisitzer( in) m(f) bei einem Kriegsgericht, Kriegsgerichtsrat m, Kriegsgerichtsrätin f
    * * *
    judge advocate pl judge advocates s MIL Kriegsgerichtsrat m

    English-german dictionary > judge advocate

  • 95 judge

    n суддя; арбітр, експерт

    English-Ukrainian diplomatic dictionary > judge

  • 96 judge

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > judge

  • 97 JUDGE

    (vb) \#nam- (1st person aorist namin "I judge" in VT41:13). An alternative form \#nav- occurs in navilwë "we judge" –VT42:34, VT48:11 (noun) Námo (Ordainer – the name of a Vala. In MR:150, though, Námo is glossed JUDGEMENT [of what is]). Note: a homophone námo means "person". –Silm:411

    Quettaparma Quenyallo (English-Quenya) > JUDGE

  • 98 judge advocate

    JA, judge advocate
    военный юрист; военный прокурор
    JADV, judge advocate
    военный юрист; военный прокурор

    English-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > judge advocate

  • 99 Judge Advocate General

    JADVG, Judge Advocate General
    начальник (управления) военно-юридической службы; главный военный прокурор
    JAG, Judge Advocate General
    начальник (управления) военно-юридической службы; главный военный прокурор

    English-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > Judge Advocate General

  • 100 judge

    قَضَى \ decree: to declare by decree; decide officially. fulfil: to carry out; perform (a promise, an order, a duty, etc.). judge: to examine facts about (sb. or sth.) and come to a decision; to consider (in court, in a competition, etc.): He judged the man (to be) guilty. They judged him (to be) the winner. I was invited to judge the cattle at the show. pass: (of time) to spend or be spent: We passed a happy evening together. spend: to use (time): How did you spend your holidays? We spent a week at the seaside. \ See Also أَمْضَى وَقْتًا، أَصْدَرَ مَرسومًا، أنجز (أَنْجَزَ)، حكم (حَكَمَ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > judge

См. также в других словарях:

  • Judge McGruder — Chief Judge McGruder (painted by Peter Doherty) Publication information Publisher Rebellion Developments …   Wikipedia

  • Judge (2000 AD) — Judge (or street judge) is a title held by several significant characters in the Judge Dredd series, which appears in the British comics 2000 AD and Judge Dredd Megazine . In the fictional future history of the series, the role of Judge combines… …   Wikipedia

  • judge — 1 / jəj/ vb judged, judg·ing [Old French jugier, from Latin judicare, from judic judex judge, from jus right, law + dicere to decide, say] vt 1: to hear and decide (as a litigated question) in a court of justice judge a case 2: to pronounce after …   Law dictionary

  • Judge Dee stories — Judge Dee (also, Judge Di) is a semi fictional character based on the historical figure Di Renjie , magistrate and statesman of the Tang court. The character first appeared in the 18th century Chinese detective novel Di Gong An. After Robert van… …   Wikipedia

  • Judge Francisco — Illustration by Mike Collins Publication information Publisher Rebellion Developments …   Wikipedia

  • Judge Dee — (also, Judge Di) is the titular protagonist of Robert van Gulik s series of detective novels. The series is set in Ancient China and deals with various criminal cases solved by the upright Judge Dee (judges often play the investigator role in… …   Wikipedia

  • Judge Dredd — Judge Joseph „Joe“ Dredd ist der Protagonist in der britischen Comic Anthologie 2000 A.D., in welcher er seit der zweiten Ausgabe von 1977 vorkommt, sowie im Comic Magazin Judge Dredd Megazine. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Entstehungsgeschichte 2 Dredds… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Judge Dredd (comics) — Judge Dredd (personnage) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Judge Dredd. Judge Dredd Personnage de 2000 A.D …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Judge dredd (comics) — Judge Dredd (personnage) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Judge Dredd. Judge Dredd Personnage de 2000 A.D …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Judge Giant — can refer to either of two fictional characters appearing in the Judge Dredd comic strip in 2000 AD . They are father and son. Their first names have never been given.They are both descended from another 2000 AD character, Giant (real name John… …   Wikipedia

  • Judge Mathis — Format Court Starring Greg Mathis Country of origin United States …   Wikipedia

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